朝戈,生于呼和浩特,蒙古族。1982年毕业于中央美院油画系,获学士学位。现任该院油画系副主任、中国油画学会会员、中国美术家协会会员、中国美术学院教授。作品曾参加“人体艺术大展”,“首届中国油画展”并获优秀作品奖,1994年批评家提名展,及其它重要展览。1993年赴俄罗斯进行学术考察并举办展览。1995年赴美国进行学术考察并举办展览。出版有《中国现代艺术丛书·朝戈》1997年参加“中国油画肖像百年展”,并任评委会评委,“威尼斯双年展”。1999年参加巴黎伊西国际双年展,并在法国、意大利进行考察,作品参加威尼斯双年展。2000年10月至2001年7月,获西班牙国家奖学金,赴马德里皇家美术学院学习,并对欧洲各国进行艺术考察。作品为海内外艺术机构及私人收藏。2003年“北京国际双年展”;“第三届中国油画展”,中国美术馆。2004年中国美术馆“精神的维度”(朝戈、丁方)画展,2005年参加“北京国际双年展”,“第二届中国山水画、油画风景展”,并获艺术奖,中国美术馆“大河上下—新时期中国油画回顾展”。Chao Ge(1957- )Born in Inner Mongolia. Graduated in 1982 from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts where he now serves as a teacher. Joined the Grand Exhibition of Nude Art and the Critics Nomination Exhibition. Toured Russia in 1993 and the United States in 1995 for academic exchange. Paintings selected into China Modern Art Series. In 1995, he was invited by America’s Asian Art Coordination Committee to hold an exhibition in his own name. In 1997,he took part in“A Century of Chinese Oil Portraits Exhibition ”as a member of the criticizing committee. In 1999,he took part in the International Art Biennial Exposition d’lssy,Paris and toured France and Italy. In 2000-2001,he gained Spanish National Scholarship,went to the former Royal Academy of Fine Arts and made a tour of artistic investigation in quite a few European countries.(Lot 112,113)